Monday, June 23, 2008

reality redefined

Our individual grasp of reality is so much uncertain so as to our perception of life. we are outrightly affixed to the concept of piercing a big hole to reality's winding passageway just to escape the harshness of life we cannot contain. we feel the need to find another dimension, impregnable though it may seem, where no one can touch us, whip us, nor molest us not until the plans we kept for so long are all ruined. we defiantly aim to find this alternate world, so our inner rages might subside with ease, so that we will resurface again armed with temporary hope and fidelity. but this world we are claiming was only fabricated by our minds, it is a non-existing dimension, a fictitious dreamland, an abysmal void made from our frustrations and fears that we unleashed as we fled trembling away and weeping.

Our constructed reality is fraught with delusions and dilemma, and we are afraid to know the real definition of the word reality because we are obliged to face the truth, to accept the bitter consequences. however, we cannot really see the bottom line for we already obscured the bright side without any intention of doing so. we are afraid to alight on our escapist's voyage, because we don't know how to resolve the troubles we left behind us. sadly, we can't realize by ourselves that dodging all the imbroglio of our actual existence won't make us any better, we forget that solving our conflicts will make us determined and polished individuals ready to face adventures, difficulties, humiliation and truth. negating the fact of reality and actuality will just make us shrivel with disgrace, and by ages we'll realize that we're making fun of ourselves, just a creature who know nothing but to turn his back away from the real world and cower in fear.

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