Sunday, June 22, 2008

manifestation of love

it's really nice to have someone who admires you that much, who wants to watch the sun set over the horizon together with you, who are used to see you on your peculiarly odd hairdo, who likes every tidbit of what you are. Yes, the assurance of being loved by someone is worth the pain and faith, despite the crumbling of different universes and galaxies, and the unexplained sort of passion that ennobles the very word itself- love. pure and eternal as it could be. we are fed up with the same old songs of flocks of prince charming and damsel in distress, which is which, who is who and what-could-have-been scenario that will all trivially conclude on an overrated sweet, happy ending. the idea is some sort of quixotic and irrelevant, but we enjoy on the imaginative, fantastic course it delivers us. we choose to embark on a spur-of-the-moment journey to discover what is incomplete and what is missing on ourselves, and end up totally exhausted and grief-stricken, only to find out that apparently, no one was there to welcome us, not even a single shadow of a phantasmal creature. We spend most of our precious time to seek that someone who would willingly offer us the radiant moon and the stars, the one who will carry us on their backs to swim across a tormenting, frigid ocean, the one who will stay with us on our sinful exile on Earth. The movies, the books, the media, the society- they already persuaded us that we are in dire need of a partner, our other half, in order for us to survive, to face the multitextured face of life's wickedness, to experience the prescient yet agonizing sentiments that are entrenched inside us. sardonic as it may seem, we will be freed at the time when we already have this someone who are likely to rot and decay together with us. we will be freed by the cuffs of enslavement from human temptation and emotion, time will dissipate into mere vapors, faraway planets will implode to supernovas, as two hearts will turn one. divine. a divine union of two destined creations, sharing the most passionate dreams- candlelit dinners, stargazing while lying on the grass, frolic in the rain, romantic classics, a thrilling roller-coaster ride. God had already predestined and thoughfully set up a complex logistics of all the things. and He cunningly left His proposition to us by finding our pair, whom without them we cannot live life in full and outlast another day. it's really nice to have someone, someone whom you can share a cup of unsweet coffee and enjoy the chilling breeze of the morning...

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