Saturday, June 14, 2008

the prodigy

When I was a grade-schooler sicko, I used to have a vast circle of playmates who know nothing but to play and play and play after the tedious class hours. We would always claim our school's wide open field as our own and we will do our weekday rituals and frolicsome escapades in the unbounded terrain. These friends, I must say, is not even my classmates but I enjoyed their company that much. I call them by funny names, and so are they. I am known by silly names like Tutong, Flashlight, Lens, Onse, Uling and the list goes on. I also gave them the weirdest names they cannot fathom like Aardvark, Silicon, Telon, Baul, Screwdriver, Rubberducky, and so on. Because of my childish passivity that days, i was always bullied by the big guys (only during the classhours) and I never experienced that tyrannic, omniscient feeling of bullying a creature lower than your level. But i don't mind these tormentors burdening me with their homeworks and formal writing notes, because I enjoy doing their works (i still don't know why.) Back to calling my playmates with absurd names, I also labeled my siblings with offending names related to their behavior and appearance. I used to call my big brother La Paz Batchoy, Galis, Boyba, Bob Uy, Peklaters, and my little sister Jaya, Igorot, Marlin, Bobot. That childish manners of mine already vanished a decade ago, but nowadays it is my sarcastic remarks that offend people, and i find it hard to become less tactless. I remembered a college friend who called me an Autistic, and I extracted my vengeance by calling her an Obese-tic (what i am insinuating is obvious.) I always notice flaws and imperfections, I always give harsh critique, but it is okay for me to be given with not-so-good comments and remarks, I don't mind. Eventually, I learned that keeping my mouth shut will absolutely prevent further troubles and I always try to circumvent giving non-sense opinions so that I could feel secure and firm. Expectantly, I am looking forward to gradually shed off these offensive manners, and I believe that the path going to maturity is full of obstacles and tests. Just for now, I am an immature yet intrepid creature searching for the real definition of life...

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