Saturday, June 7, 2008

philosophical ranting

In philosophic reality, we all are branches of a huge, colossal tree sharing a single sequoia-sized trunk, being nurtured and supported by myriads of humble roots. This gigantic tree speaks of interconnectedness, enigmas and straight circles of absolute comprehension. The macrocosmic marvels and awe-inspiring phenomena that are tied to human stupidity and Godly insights are just mere spoilers of the unfathomable mysteries that cause us to grope in curiosity and conceit. We all are given with the gift of reasoning and fair judgment, yet in some extent we are always losing the big picture, always adhering to the senseless rudiments that in no way can make us neither cleverer nor slier. Of all the magnificent philosophy available for human understanding, we would rather patronize the histrionic tear-jerker, rather than the sensible side of the coin.

We are too much addicted to the delusional drama, the illusory encounter with the unknown, even hooked to the dumbest, cheap puppet shows life could offer. Life is indomitably the cruellest detractor who is running after us on an infinite loop, always ready with confounding surprises and extemporaneous assaults. Despite our so-called trepidation and valiant odysseys, it is us who are always tricked and double-crossed because of our vulnerable disposition—we are prone to the eviscerating sentiments and passion-appealing factors of life-death cycles, symbiotic processes and the exhilarating sight of human downfall.

As we are much subjected to fatuousness and mutual haranguing, the conceptualization of a-little-less-than-perfect philosophy is insofar experiencing fragmentation due to opinionated arrogance of entities claiming for the right answer, the right path, the right way of living. If you cannot conform to the teachings of their incalculable wisdom, you will be accused of unorthodoxy and blaspheming inherited traditions or you will be labelled as a despicable heretic and will be burned at stake because of intellectual imprudence.

In reality, we all are branches of a huge, colossal tree, sharing the singularity of shallowness and acerbic wit of human distinctiveness we all are sharing the same, loathsome trunk of degraded philosophy derived from learned and unlearned men; we all are sharing the same poisonous nutrients already imbibed on our futile, capricious minds.

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