Friday, May 2, 2008

fated to a sweet reunion

The series of inimical depressions and political publicity episodes have pillaged and bombarded the daily scenes, almost tantamount (or greater) to the tension of primetime melodramas, proving yet another decadent impression that the whole world will never forget. but I don't care, even the rice supply is running out, the prices of commodities are on a frantic rise, or the world needs to act at the eleventh hour of Mother Earth's sluggish self-destruction. I will just remain apathetic towards these things that happen almost everyday. the dramatic legislation and the government's jurisdiction is such a fatuous attempt towards national unity, and their trite spiels and thespian skills they had acquired on politics are blatant proof of their nugatory purpose.

Blame-laying, finger-pointing, opinionated ideas and betrayal seemed like a horseplay the whole nation needs to be used to. Out of their vested interests, the ordinary people can do nothing but wait for the slightest change they can offer. whatever the pressing national issues our country has to face starkly, they will surely undermine the integrity and virtues our great, great ancestors and heroes had died for. Do we want these things to be seen by our posterity and the next generations? don't we want to put an end on these insufferable ordeals so that we can move on and progress?

I want to act and have my contribution, but there seems to be a lot of road blocks and bottlenecks I need to pass first. I want change, but that thing just exists on my mind. There's a bunch of things I needed to do, I have priorities and involvement for a total national change seems far-fetched. There are still examinations, projects, plates and subjects I need to pass. I don't deserve another crease on my forehead because of political nuisances. just by now, I am fated to a sweet reunion with old highschool chums and bums. I missed them a lot. Damn it.

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