Sunday, May 4, 2008


[This poem was written in retaliation from an unexpected rejection...]

She’s no ordinary blossom,
A splendiferous creation, devoid of any unchaste elements
Sown on a barren, infertile terrain of displeased men,
Capture our eyes, poach our bestiality, and boil our bloods.
Beguile us, inveigle us on
your stamen,
your pistil,
your stigma,
where your
sweetest nectar
lies pristine and untainted.

Let us savour your impalpable scent,
your superficial splendour,
your petals of abominable charm.

Time will come and you will wilt,
As roses wither into infernal debris.
Your ephemeral glory will expire,
The full moon will wane, and so you will...

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