Tuesday, September 23, 2008

sleepless hours

Today, we are currently staying at the office of Ma'am Arlene's husband in Cityland, Makati City. Hours later and we will prepare ourselves for our flight going to Bacolod City for the 5th Spectrum Seminar concerning campus journalism. We are complete here at the office, minus the nuisance queen Roma who will be conducting the info gathering of every news happening around the school. We will be all absent for three days, and this is no kind of shirking, and we all are pretty anxious missing our classes but the fun you will get not attending the tedious classes and listening to the tedious professors will be multiplied. At the minute, three computers were still being used by us, and I do know that Ma'am Arlene will get a hypertension if she would know that we are only squandering our time surfing the net rather than sleeping. Actually all the girls are already asleep now nearing to some REM, while the boys are at the peak of their stamina doing anything under the moon.

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